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When I took my first corporate gig as Creative Director for Main Event,
my mission was to fully re-brand the company from a transactional, corporate vibe to a fun, emotional, family brand that connects families and friends together in a way you can't do by watching a movie or playing on your phone.

It started with the logo and led into much more creative campaigns.


Cold. Hard Edges. Corporate. Static
Tagline: functional

Together We Play

Bold. Fun. Colorful. Movement.
Tagline: emotional

New TV Campaign

Simple, single focused spots showing memories created through
physical fun between families and friends

We used 3D billboards to entertain consumers well before
they ever walked into one of our centers. It just seemed to make sense.

Traffic Stopping Outdoor

Heart Change Needed

We needed to retrain our employees. Not just the teenagers working the centers but also our corporate employees. We needed to remind them that we get to "give fun" to others that need it.
In a stressful world, the gift of fun is vitally important. So I wrote an emotional training video to touch our employees and instill empathy for our guests. And for life in general.

A Makeover Needed

Lastly, our corporate offices were pretty depressing for an entertainment brand.
After some convincing, and some begging, I got approval for an office transformation project to be carried out in total secrecy to the surprise of every single employee, minus a few C-Suite folks.

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